Pastor Tim’s Easter Message

Easter 2016
Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!
I have often shared the heartfelt story told to me by a fellow pastor.  It is based on a story from the life of his friend and fellow pastor who walked this journey.
It was a clear, cold Easter morning.  The pastor greeted the worshipers as they entered the narthex of the church for the Easter Sunrise Service.  He was keeping watch for his daughter who was beginning spring break at college and planned to drive home to meet her family for the Easter Sunrise Service.  “She should be here by now,” he thought to himself.  Still, no sign of her.  He continued to greet the arriving worshipers.  “Why does she always cut schedules so close?” he wondered.  The organist began playing the prelude, service would start soon and though more cars were entering the parking lot none of them resembled her car.  “Well,” he thought, “I guess she’ll be late.”  He turned his gaze from the parking lot but not before he caught site of a patrol car driving up to the sanctuary.  An officer in uniform exited the car.  “Hmm,” he thought, “this is different, a man in uniform coming to Sunrise Service.”
But, of course, he was not coming as worshiper.  He approached the pastor, who greeted and welcomed him.  “Are you Rev. So and So?” asked the officer.  “Yes,” replied the pastor.  “I’m sorry to bring you this news, but your daughter has been a car crash.  She apparently fell asleep and drove off the road.  I’m sorry to tell you but she did not survive the crash.
His whole world collapsed around him.  His head, his heart swirled aimlessly.  Was it true?   Was it possible?  His beautiful daughter, his daughter who was so full of life and energy, was now gone?  She had plans, hopes, a whole life of living to do!  And now she gone, just like that?  It was too much to imagine, yet it was true.
Suddenly he realized he was late in beginning the Sunrise Service.  How could he lead a worship service in his state of mind and while bearing this unbearable news?
Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!
That hope was suddenly more personal and powerful than it had ever been.  He had lost his daughter for this world but not for eternity.  Christ was her unshakeable hope for everlasting life, and his hope too.
Do you have the assurance of everlasting life?  Jesus died and was raised that we, by faith, may be sure of our hope of eternal life.  Turn to Jesus and trust Him.  Christ is Risen!
Pastor Tim Cartwright