Pastor Tim’s Summer Message

We are very pleased to announce that Emmanuel Lutheran Church is once again having Sunday morning (10 a.m.) Worship Services!  We are carefully following the directives of the governor by offering masks to everyone who needs one, maintaining social distancing, and providing a hand washing station.  There is no shaking of hands before, after or … Read more

Pastor Tim’s Easter Season Message

  When I was in my Terrible Twos (or in my case the also Terrible Threes) my Mother took my brother and me on a train trip from Washington State to Columbus, North Dakota.  This was where the family homestead was and where most of the Norwegian Horntvedt clan still lived.  Grandpa Horntvedt was retired … Read more

Message From Pastor Tim

Updated message from Pastor Tim and Emmanuel Lutheran Church, March 24, 2020 “Where do we get water to drink or food to eat? How do we escape the heat of the daytime or the cold of the night?” God’s people faced hard questions when they traversed the wilderness. Today America and the world face a … Read more

Pastor Tim’s 2018 Easter Message

During March in the season of Lent, we journey with Jesus to Jerusalem to the cross of Calvary.  Midweek soup suppers and Lenten devotions help direct our way on our spiritual journey. This year we are encouraged to read Jesus’ story in the gospel of Mark as part of our Lenten discipline.  Palm Sunday and … Read more

Pastor Tim’s 2017 Summer Message

In August of 1530 Christians leaders from around what is now Germany in the Holy Roman Empire gathered for the Diet of August, that is, the Meeting at Augsburg. Representatives of the Holy Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church and Protestants assembled with the single goal of finding common ground and maintaining the unity of … Read more

Pastor Tim’s January 2017 Message

The Epiphany Season Upon Us   Epiphany Season, part of the Christmas cycle of the church year, takes us through most of January and February, up to Jesus’ Transfiguration. Based on the story of the Wise Men from the East who received God’s Message of the new born King through the sign of a star, … Read more

Pastor Tim’s November 2016 Message

  The Church, like the world, has an annual calendar. It is based on the life of Christ.     It begins with the Christmas season (December 25-January 5) that celebrates the birth of Jesus. The Advent season, (late November- December 24) prepares us for the coming, or advent, of God. The Epiphany season, (beginning … Read more

Pastor Tim’s October Message

  All Saints’ Sunday will be observed on November 6 this year.  It is a time to remember God’s Saints who have completed their labors and gone on before us. In our family we remember Carolyn’s parents, Roger and Nell, and my Father, Andrew.  Carolyn remembers her brother, Roger Jr., and we both thank God for … Read more

Pastor Tim’s September Message 2016

    Nearly 500 years ago Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenburg Church. They expressed 95 points Luther wanted to debate about established Roman doctrine. Luther hoped to engage the merits of his arguments with other scholars at the University. God had another plan.   Luther did not get his … Read more

Pastor Tim’s June Message

As I write this I am reminded that today, June 6, is the anniversary of D-Day.  Operation Overlord was the largest amphibian assault in our history.  That day, carried by 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft, the allies initiated an attack at the beaches of Normandy, France to liberate northwest Europe, then occupied by the invading … Read more