Pastor Tim’s Summer Message

We are very pleased to announce that Emmanuel Lutheran Church is once again having Sunday morning (10 a.m.) Worship Services!  We are carefully following the directives of the governor by offering masks to everyone who needs one, maintaining social distancing, and providing a hand washing station.  There is no shaking of hands before, after or during the service.  Communion bread and wine are offered in packets with minimal touching.  Sadly, no fellowship hour is available at this time, but we hope that will change soon.

Season of Pentecost

In our church year this is the season of Pentecost, based on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit onto the disciples of Jesus as told in Acts 2.  Our words and actions also bear witness to Jesus, and the Holy Spirit touches hopeless, hungry and hurting hearts through us!  During this season God wants to grow His Church by deepening our walk with Christ, and to grow His Church by receiving those who seek to know God through Christ.  Bless you, Valiant Saints, for representing Christ in this broken world.  The image of our Heavenly Father is within us and we are pleased to have others see God in us.

July 4th

For the July 4th weekend we will honor our country with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and by singing, “God Bless America” at our Sunday Service.  We will also feature hymns that praise God for His work in us and in our country.  We recognize that God created all people in His image, therefore our value as human beings is not determined by our abilities, our wealth, or our skin color.  Rather we are valued because we are God’s creation.  Knowing this we have reason to respect and care for others, just as God cares for us.  God wants to use you and me to reveal Himself to someone who needs His grace, forgiveness and hope of everlasting life.

Supporting Our Continued Missionaries

Please continue to uphold our beloved missionaries, Bob and Cheryl Fox and Marion Hungerford.  May God guide their footsteps, preserve their health and provide for their needs.  May God grant them grace to be on the mission field and the power to boldly declare His Good News.

Vacation Bible School and  Annual Church Picnic

I am sorry to announce that Vacation Bible School and most likely the Annual Church Picnic at Lutherhaven have been cancelled because of the pandemic worries.  We look forward to having them next year.  We also thank Molly and Ward Erickson for their years of service as Caretakers and Leaders of Lutherhaven.  Well done, Faithful Saints of the Lord.  We are very proud of you!

Meanwhile, we hope to begin to see a remodeled kitchen take shape during the next months.  Thank you to everyone who participated in this good work by their financial support or by their leadership.

June 26 is Carolyn and my 45th wedding anniversary.  I miss her.  July 20 is the anniversary of her abrupt passing.  As I remember her and thank God for her I also hold in my heart the promise of God that the end of this life is not the end of our life.  Eternal life is God’s gift to all who turn their hearts to Jesus and trust Him as Savior.