Pastor Tim’s 2018 Easter Message

During March in the season of Lent, we journey with Jesus to Jerusalem to the cross of Calvary.  Midweek soup suppers and Lenten devotions help direct our way on our spiritual journey.

This year we are encouraged to read Jesus’ story in the gospel of Mark as part of our Lenten discipline.  Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday, which is March 25, we will wave our palms and sing “Hosanna!” to welcome the Lord.  Then we’ll hear the passion narrative of Jesus’ arrest, his trial,  his suffering, and his crucifixion, all from the gospel of Mark.

Friday March 30th at 6:30 p.m. we will gather for the Stripping of the Altar and reading of Jesus’ passion from St John’s gospel.  We will sit in silence and darkness until we hear the “loud sound” signifying Christ’s death.

Saturday, March 31st, is traditionally a day for cleaning and decorating the sanctuary.  Sunday April 1st, we will gather for the Easter breakfast and worship of the Risen Lord.  Lilies will show forth the glory of the Lord.

Please participate with your church in honoring God gracious gift of New Life offered to us through Jesus’ death and Resurrection.

Pastor Tim Cartwright