Pastor Tim’s Easter Message

Easter 2016 Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed! I have often shared the heartfelt story told to me by a fellow pastor.  It is based on a story from the life of his friend and fellow pastor who walked this journey. It was a clear, cold Easter morning.  The pastor greeted the worshipers as they … Read more

Pastor Tim’s February Message

February 22 is the National Holiday, historically called President’s Day on behalf of our Founding Father and first president, President George Washington, whose birthday is in February.  Of late the name has been called Presidents’ Day on behalf of President Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is also in February, and as a way of recognizing all … Read more

Pastor Tim’s January-February Message

This 2016 season of Epiphany we say goodbye to one of our dear members and friends, the Rev. Dr. Norm Lund.  Norm was gifted by God, blessing our church denomination, the AALC, as a professor in our seminary and blessing our local church, Emmanuel, by encouraging us, singing on the praise team, teaching God’s Word, … Read more

Pastor Tim’s July Message 2015

It’s hot! The temperature will soon hit 90 degrees and summer has just begun. The temperature indoors can also get hot when we start discussing global warming and CO2 emissions. As disciples of Jesus we see creation as the handiwork of God. He designed it for His glory and as a habitable home (“garden”) for … Read more

June 2015 Message

This month Carolyn and I celebrate forty years of wedded bliss!  I remember well the day of our wedding.  It was a typically hot and humid Chicago day.  The photography session took longer than the ceremony.  The ceremony began with the grand entrance.  Carolyn was (and is) beautiful.  We sang, we prayed, we heard Scripture … Read more

Spring Message 2015

Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day and Independence Day are national holidays for Americans that we celebrate during the months of May, June and July. Many of us have served our country in the Armed Forces or have loved ones who served. We as Christians know that we live in but are not of … Read more

January Message 2015

January 6 is the Epiphany of our Lord.  We read Matthew 2, the story of the appearance of the guiding star to the astrologers or wise men from the east.  They followed the star, having divined from its appearance the heavenly message of the birth of the one who would be King of God’s people. … Read more

December Message 2014

Advent is upon us.  Advent is the season of preparation for the advent or coming of the Lord as the Babe of Bethlehem at Christmas. It is also the time of preparation for the advent of the Holy Spirit who comes into our hearts anew each day, and the advent or second coming of the … Read more

November Message 2014

Veteran’s Day we in the church honor our vets, and we have many at Emmanuel. Our veterans have supported and defended our nation. We believe that America is worth defending, that here in America we have freedoms many other people do not enjoy.

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