September Message 2014

September means Labor Day and the beginning of the new school year. At Emmanuel it also signals Rally Day, the beginning of the new Sunday School year. Sunday School attendance is expected to grow this year so we planning for another class.

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June Message 2014

June eighth is Pentecost Sunday, one of the three major festivals of the Church. It marks the beginning or the birth of the Church, the Body of Christ’s Believers, who were united with Christ at the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

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April Message 2014

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

When I was a teen I remember being resentful toward a fellow student because he was good looking, athletic, smart and popular, all the characteristics I wanted but felt I possessed only in meager a measure. Whenever our paths crossed I changed direction, I wanted nothing to do with him. Now understand, he had done nothing wrong to me, what was wrong was something inside of me. Part of who I was/am was warped by the power of sin. I was the resentful one.

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March Message 2014

This is the season of Lent, and Lent is a time to observe Spiritual Disciplines which by their practice make us more sensitive to the presence and leading of the Holy Spirit.

Hear are some disciplines you may be practicing or you may begin to practice:

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January Message 2014

Epiphany is the season of revelation that which is hidden or unknown to us is revealed to us by God.
This revelation has come through God’s leaders, like Moses and David, and by prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah. It came through New Testament writers like Paul. It especially came to us through our Lord, Jesus the Christ.

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December Message 2013

This Fall the Philippine people experienced a devastating earthquake. The homes of hundreds of thousands of people were flattened. As families huddled under tarps for shelter, clutching their meager belongings, the islands were hit by a powerful typhoon.

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November Message 2013

As a boy I picked strawberries every summer (this would now be considered illegal child labor but it was normal behavior in a farming community). We saved our dollars ($21 was our goal) so we could go to Bible Camp at Lutherwood on Lake Samish south of Bellingham.

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October Message 2013

The last Sunday of October is Reformation Sunday, when we commemorate the brave and faithful men and women, like Martin Luther, who were used by God to reform His Church from the errors of its way. In one powerful scene Martin Luther was called before the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, and the leaders of … Read more

July Message 2013

Emmanuel Lutheran Church is a sponsoring congregation for Martha and Mary ministries. Martha and Mary provides these services to God’s precious people: Nursing Home (including Memory Care Unit) Rehab Center At-Home Care Child Care Independent Living for Seniors and, beginning in October of this year, Low Income Housing for Seniors Called Village Green, this low … Read more