November Message 2013

As a boy I picked strawberries every summer (this would now be considered illegal child labor but it was normal behavior in a farming community). We saved our dollars ($21 was our goal) so we could go to Bible Camp at Lutherwood on Lake Samish south of Bellingham.

I loved attending Bible Camp. We learned about God’s Word, did crafts, played games, sang songs around the campfire and swam in the lake. Those are precious memories. The Bible Camp experience is still available for our children and grandchildren at Lutherhaven on Wildcat Lake.

There we also have our Annual Church Picnic, one of the highest attended events of the year for Emmanuel Lutheran Church. Families can arrange to spend a summer afternoon there. Ward and Mollie Erickson were married there.

We support Lutherhaven from our budget. Now a clarion call has gone forth from the Lutherhaven Board. Important maintenance must be done on the Custodian’s House before the heavy winter rains arrive. This maintenance will cost $5000.

I have challenged Emmanuel Lutheran Church, one of seven supporting congregations, to stand tall and raise one thousand dollars. Carolyn and I have made a gift of $100 and others have also given so several hundred dollars of the goal has already been met.

This is a voluntary investment in the spiritual development of our children and families and is a worthy objective. Please join others of Emmanuel Lutheran Church in supporting Lutherhaven.

Pastor Tim Cartwright