October Message 2013

The last Sunday of October is Reformation Sunday, when we commemorate the brave and faithful men and women, like Martin Luther, who were used by God to reform His Church from the errors of its way.

In one powerful scene Martin Luther was called before the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, and the leaders of the Church at the Diet of Worms in 1521. There he was instructed to renounce his writings and teaching.

It was a classic David versus Goliath moment in history. Luther would not recant and stood his ground, declaring that unless he was convinced otherwise by reason and Scripture, “. . . Here I stand.” Luther’s stand was upon the inerrant, infallible and inspired Word of God.

Today God is looking for people who are prepared to make a similar stand upon the authority of the Word of God in the face of a culture that is growing more hostile to the values of the Christian faith.

Recently I asked Emmanuel’s members if they would sign a card of support for the owner and employees of Arlene’s Flower Shop in Richland, WA. Arlene’s is being sued by two people who were refused service when they asked for flowers for their “wedding.”‘ This was a “wedding” for two people of the same sex.

Since this wedding went against the values of her Christian faith Arlene refused to participate. So she has been hauled off to court in another David versus Goliath scene. The United States of America that is familiar to me has as its first amendment to the constitution a guarantee that allows for the free exercise of religion.

But the courts have now ruled against the Flower Shop. In New Mexico a photographer was also sued for the same reasons and lost in court. The point is that in America today it is fine to practice the values of your Christian faith at home or in the church, but do not bring those values into the public square.

Let me be clear about the precise issue at stake here. When people come to my survey firm and ask for our services their sexual orientation is not an issue. We will provide survey services for any and all people without regard to color, religion or sexual orientation.

But if someone comes to me as pastor and asks me to provide services that promote a lifestyle that is against the revealed will of God then I must politely decline to provide those services. So the point is whether or not the culture will compel us to participate in activities that God has said are wrong.

Let us pray that God will raise up leaders who will stand fast, as Luther did, upon the solid foundation of God’s Word and who will call our fellow citizens of America back to teachings God has revealed to us in His Word. Let us pray that we have the courage to stand fast when the culture asks us to coop our faith.

Blessed Reformation Sunday.

Pastor Tim Cartwright